Are you developing a strong brand for your insurance business?

78305570_MIn the business world, a unique and compelling persona is a highly coveted asset. If you’re seeking to create a memorable personal brand for yourself and your insurance business, here are three ways to craft not just a brand, but a solid reputation.

Create a website and/or social channels that share your philosophy. When it comes to personal branding, you must be proactive or face the prospect of being branded by others in ways you may not want. Be sure to take active control of your personal brand on the Internet. Don’t let others define you. Work to create your own unique and positive image. On social media, share news and information that you find compelling and useful that also reinforces your brand and is valuable to your business network and clients.

For example, if your insurance agency focuses on insurance for small businesses, you’ll want to share content online that helps small businesses succeed. You may want to provide a workshop or other resources for small businesses. And you’ll want to volunteer your time or become a member in one or more small business organizations.

Act in a way that reinforces your personal brand. Personal branding is also about reinforcing your image with your actions. A great example of that strategy: Vocalist Taylor Swift has mastered the art of crafting a brand of personal generosity by doing unexpected things for her fans. All you need to do is google ‘Taylor Swift generosity’ to get just a glimpse of what she’s accomplished. Are you branding yourself in part as an advocate or supporter of small businesses? It would mean so much more to personally advocate and assist entrepreneurs than to just say that you support small businesses. Don’t just say, do.

Help your business network succeed. Helping those you know succeed can help make your personal brand memorable. Plus, it’s an awesome feeling to know you’ve helped others reach personal goals and a greater level of success. Others will respect you all the more when you put the focus on other people instead of yourself. Do you know of a job opportunity that someone in your business network may want to know about? Is there a board position that would be a perfect fit for a business associate? Is there a small business in the community that you could mentor? There is no better way to build those personal connections than by letting others know about opportunities that could benefit them.

Providing value to your business network and your clients is an important part of being a successful insurance agent and developing a memorable brand for yourself.

COST Financial Group, Inc.

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