4 tips for growing your insurance business

22670122_MIf you’re an independent insurance agent, in essence, you’re a small business owner. As with any startup or small company, your business requires a lot from you—building a team, marketing and growing as a manager.

Here are a few tips for growing and creating a thriving small business:

Develop Successful Habits. The creation of day-to-day productive and effective habits will make the success of your small business. Make sure you are develop and implement routines regularly. Read industry news and publications, monitor trends and learn how to delegate tasks to other members of your team.

Use Word-of-Mouth Marketing. As a small business, your best asset is your current customers, family and friends. Remember, you don’t have to grow your small business by yourself. Others can help you spread the word faster than you can on your own.

Gain Traffic Through Web Development. Increasing your web traffic is a huge part of growing your business. Make sure you have a good website where you can direct leads. Make sure you’re working on your SEO as well!

Ask Questions. When you’re just building a small business team, it can take some time to adjust to your role as a leader. Ask questions from mentors that are where you want to be and also ask your team questions. Get feedback on how you can improve and then take concrete steps to get there. Good luck!

COST Financial Group, Inc.

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