Too busy to grow your insurance business? We can help!

38383072_MDue to an increase in insurance technology and the constant threat of new risks, it can be challenging for independent agents to keep up with their workload. This can prevent you from fostering new leads and growing your business, a surefire recipe for frustration and dissatisfaction.

According to a recent survey by Safeco, which asked independent agents about trends they think will shape insurance through the year 2020, agents said they want to spend substantially less time responding to service needs and instead, shift their focus to building their business.

According to the survey:

  • Independent agents currently allocate 21% of their time to customer service, but they want to cut that in half to just 10% by 2020.
  • Today, agents spend only 9% of their time prospecting for new clients. In 2020, agents want to up that to 16%—making new clients the second highest priority in 2020, right after spending 26% of their time quoting new business.

Can you relate to these numbers? If you’re looking to increase your client base while keeping your current customers happy, we may be able to offer you a solution that provides both.

What if we told you that you could build an entirely new profit center and have our team manage it for you? Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong!

You can own your own premium finance company and let COST Financial do all the work. Our unique program allows you to focus on your clients and core insurance business, while our team handles a premium financing entity. For over 25 years, The COST Program™ has typically generated at least $30-40,000 net profit per million financed for our clients.

Ready to learn more? We invite you to visit our website.

COST Financial Group, Inc.

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